1. La preghiamo di mettere la giacca. (en → it) - Duolingo Forum
Apr 2, 2023 · La preghiamo di mettere la giacca. en: Please put on your jacket. Duolingo forum topic: https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/447979.
La frase inglese suona più come un comando che come un suggerimento. In ogni caso, non suona così formale come l'italiano. Per farlo sembrare un po' più formale direi:
2. Reflexive, a user manual - part VIII - Duolingo Forum Archive
= She fastens her seat belt. mettersi + direct object = to put on (colloquial) (Tu) ti metterai la giacca? = Will you put on your jacket? togliersi + direct ...
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I arrive in Italy and head straight to a farm. After two weeks of Italian lessons on Duolingo, that is one of the few places where I am able to speak with any real authority. On this farm, I hope t…
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5. listas de palabras - Duolingo Forum - Duome.eu
Feb 14, 2022 · Ahora puedes dar indicaciones simples, comunicarte en clase y hablar sobre tus intereses. También puedes hablar sobre planes futuros y eventos ...
Dear anyone, Your duolingo forum registration isn't automaticaly transferred to duome forum so in order to join duome forums you need to register with your existing or any other username and email; in any case it's advised that you choose a new password for the forum. ~ Duome Team
6. Duolingo New Learning Path Update - HONEST Review - duoplanet
The old crown system meant you could up the difficulty by simply staying put — maxing out every single crown in a skill. Duolingo encouraged learners to both ...
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Apr 19, 2018 · ... Duolingo, so please do your own research and proceed with caution. ... I've been using duolingo for about three months now to learn Italian.
Duolingo is one of the most popular homeschool language learning tools--but does it work? I'm sharing again what I like and what I don't like about this app, as both a homeschooling mom and a language educator. And I have a few recommendations for maximizing your Duolingo use for homescho
8. Italian Skill:Clothing | Duolingo Wiki - Fandom
Lessons ; Lesson 1. gonna = skirt; camicie = shirts; cappelli = hats; i vestiti = the clothes ; Lesson 2. cappotto = coat; lo stivale = the boot; gli stivali = ...
Clothing is the 9th skill (assuming read left to right) in the Italian language course. It has 4 lessons. Summarize, but do not quote, any grammar notes provided with this skill. Notes from Duolingo are copyrighted, and cannot be added here verbatim without permission. Make sure to reference any tips and notes from Duolingo or anywhere else. gonna = skirt camicie = shirts cappelli = hats i vestiti = the clothes i pantaloni = the pants/trousers il cappello = the hat il vestito = the dress la scar