Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (2024)

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I made something today that kind of blew my mind. In fact, after it was done cooking, I stuck a spoon into the pot, took a lick and “mmmmmmmmm’d” so loud my 2 year old came running into the kitchen saying, “Is good, mama? Is good?” I continued to spoon the golden goodness into my mouth, ignoring her pleading eyes and simply answering her inquiry by nodding my head and saying “mmmmmmmm”. This golden goodness that rendered me almost speechless is Eggnog flavored pancake or waffle syrup! Indulgent, right? Even though I’m not a huge eggnog fan, I do love eggnog flavor. I also really enjoy flavored pancakes, but often am disappointed when the flavor doesn’t come through loud and clear. My solution to my dilemma was to make a syrup so rich and tasty, you’d have no doubt what flavor it was. I will say… this isn’t your everyday, head off to school, healthy morning pancake syrup. This is your indulgent, let’s celebrate the holidays, special treat kind of breakfast. And speaking of celebration…is Tuesday a good enough reason to celebrate? I think so. Let’s breakout the Eggnog Pancake Syrup! Enjoy!

I played around with this recipe all morning trying to get exactly what I wanted when I remembered the very indulgent buttermilk syrup recipe from Chef Brad at Thermador. Reducing the quantity and substituting eggnog for the buttermilk created exactly what I was hoping for!

Are you looking for more holiday inspired breakfasts? I have just the recipes for you!

Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (4)

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Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles

Creamy Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles (or ice cream!)

Author Dine & Dish


  • 1 stick butter
  • 3/4 cup commercially prepared eggnog full-fat version
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda


  • In a large pan (make sure it is large, this syrup will grow when you add the vanilla and soda), place the butter, eggnog, and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously.

  • Remove from heat and whisk in vanilla and soda (it will foam)

  • Serve over hot pancakes or waffles. Enjoy!

Reader Interactions


  1. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (5)Heather | Farmgirl Gourmet says

    Ohhhhh. Mmmmmyyyyy gggoooooosssshhh. Seriously…I just mmmmmm’d reading this. Decadent! Wow

  2. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (6)Julie @ Willow Bird Baking says

    I’ve just been working on an eggnog glaze, but I think I might have to ditch it and go this route! Goodness gracious!

  3. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (7)Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl says

    Butter, eggnog, vanilla… its all good. And sounds perfect for a Holiday morning breakfast or all of December. 😉 Looks delicious!

  4. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (8)Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles <– or how about for coffee, dipping other things into, or just eating with a spoon at midnight in front of the fridge 🙂

    Sounds fabulous!

  5. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (9)Pam @ Antique or Not says

    Ooh, sounds decadent! What a great idea for the holidays.


  6. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (10)Meeta says

    Want! I love eggnog and simply an awesome recipe to slather the pancakes with! Lovely Kristen!

  7. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (12)Kathryn says

    Oh my goodness, this sounds amazing and the perfect start to a day of feasting!

  8. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (13)Natalie says

    Kristen, you are awesome! I cannot wait to try this. Actually, I am going to the store to buy the eggnog today so that I can make it tomorrow. Super excited!!

  9. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (16)Bev Weidner says

    Whaaatttaaaa! Okay, I might just make a batch of this to pour all over my head. Freaking wow.

  10. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (17)Maria says

    Beautiful photos! What a great holiday breakfast treat!

  11. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (18)TidyMom says

    I’ve never been an eggnog fan……….but OMG this sounds AMAZING!!

    DELICIOUS pictures too Kristen!

  12. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (19)Courtney says

    oh my goodness! i dont eve want to try to make that healthy, it looks perfect just the way it is!! I am a eggnog fanatic! have you had shattos…so good!

  13. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (20)Wenderly says

    THAT looks spectacular! I can’t even wrap my brain around the goodness at this very moment. IS GOOD!!!! Sums it up perfectly.

  14. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (21)Amy says

    This sounds delish! And yes, ice cream would be fabulous. Or pie. Or pound cake. Or my finger. ; )

  15. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (22)Amanda says

    Seriously amazing. I am so blown away by how you think!! My family is going to love this!

  16. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (23)Lori @ RecipeGirl says

    Sounds perfect for my Eggnog Pancakes. I’ll be trying this out!

  17. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (24)Deborah says

    Oh my goodness, this is pure breakfast genius!!

  18. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (25)Robin @ Bird On A Cake says

    This sounds DIVINE!! I will be making this very, very soon. :0)

  19. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (28)Sharon says

    Oh Kristen! Can’t wait to try this baby out! I’m in pumpkin mode now but soon will be eggnog!Blessings! Sharon

  20. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (29)Shaina says

    I am dying. This looks so incredibly good. Fabulous. Amazing. Drool all over the place good.

  21. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (30)Kristen @ The Endless Meal says

    I’ve been searching for the perfect Christmas gift to give my eggnog loving father. Looks like I’ve just found it! Might add a little spiced rum too as he loves that combination 🙂

  22. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (31)Melissa says

    Those pancakes look super fluffy! Eggnog syrup sounds delicious and is so festive. I still dream about that buttermilk syrup!

  23. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (32)Sally @ Spontaneous Hausfrau says

    Holy moly – this stuff sounds painfully good. We somehow can’t ever finish off a carton of eggnog, so I know what I’m doing next time I’m ready to pour it down the drain

  24. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (33)Inks4fun says

    OMG, that just went to the top of my list for indulgence foods. I plan to make waffles this weekend and this will be right beside them, you are a saint to share with us!

  25. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (34)Jessica @ How Sweet says

    I’ve been dying over this all day. I made an eggnog cake last week and am absolutely KICKING MYSELF for not having waited so I could drench it in this syrup. True story.

  26. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (35)Barbara | Creative Culinary says

    When I saw your title I wondered if you had made a revision on buttermilk syrup. I’ve actually been making the same thing forEVER; it was a recipe from my ex-father-in-law…some things in the family were worth keeping. 🙂

    I can see how eggnog in it’s place would be so good; maybe why I bought eggnog last night (beyond my favorite holiday co*cktail).

  27. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (36)TheFromagette says

    Stop it!!! I am SO making this…

  28. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (37)dhanna | Atlanta Attorneys says

    It’s my first time to see this kind of syrup and I’ll gonna try it, tired of milk and chocolate syrup in my pancake. Thanks!

  29. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (38)Billie says

    I thinks this would be great over bread pudding! Yum!

  30. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (40)Lana @ Never Enough Thyme says

    Oh, my! Oh, my goodness! I can think of a dozen things right off the bat that would be delicious with a drizzle of this syrup. Must make some right away!

  31. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (41)marla {family fresh cooking} says

    There is no way this syrup wouldn’t be amazing!! Love the black back drop too. A fun change.

  32. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (42)John Box says

    Wow. I love Eggnogs, especially this eggnog syrup. I use it for waffles, pancakes and even my toasts. They taste great.

  33. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (43)LunaCafe says

    Brilliant idea, can’t wait to try it. …Susan

  34. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (44)Renee - Kudos Kitchen says

    Is seriously goooood! Love your photos too. Seriously mouthwatering.

  35. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (45)Amber Shea @Almost Vegan says

    Holy CRAP. I think I’d eat the whole BATCH with a spoon!
    So uh, considering I live in Kansas City too…do you deliver? ;P

  36. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (46)Allison says


  37. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (47)Leah at says

    Oh my goodnes-this sounds so amazing, I am going to HAVE to try this soon. Pancakes and Eggnog…what’s not to love? Combine two things so delicious and MMMMMMMMMM….

  38. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (48)Michele says

    Oh my !!! I just made the syrup this morning and it was so delicious!!! We are total egg nog freaks here, we love it. ( I did sub 1/2 tsp. rum extract for the vanilla; I thought it pumped up the egg nog flavor a little more.)

  39. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (49)Heather says

    I made this Christmas Eve morning and it was SO GOOD! I couldn’t help but “mmmmmm” myself! I did it so much my 5-year old told me I was annoying her! Great recipe!

  40. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (50)Heather G. says

    Holy yummmmm…this is insanely decadent and delicious!
    One question…do you refrigerate it? I’m trying not to eat the whole thing with a spoon in one sitting.

  41. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (51)Darlene says

    One comment said “We somehow can’t ever finish off a carton of eggnog, so I know what I’m doing next time I’m ready to pour it down the drain”. FREEZE it. I tried it last year because I want eggnog more than at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I used small containers (about 6 – 8 ounces) and stuck them in the freezer. Just thaw them a little and the eggnog is just like freshly bought. I live in OK and we have Braums here. Their eggnog is the best I have tried.

  42. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (52)Lea Collins says

    OMG I am totally trying this, ASAP!

  43. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (53)Lea Collins says

    OMG I am totally trying this, ASAP!

  44. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (54)Ciji Chambliss says

    soo good

  45. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (55)Rebecca says

    Oh my gosh you were not lying – this is amazing!!

  46. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (56)Jill says

    Can this eggnog syrup be given as a gift or would it not stay fresh? Maybe freeze it until your ready to give it?

    • Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (57)Kristen says

      Hi Jill –
      It totally can be given as a gift, but it needs to be consumed within one week from what I understand (I’ve never had it last that long 😉 ).

  47. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (58)Britney says

    Can you use homemade egg nog and then proceed from there??

    • Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (59)Kristen says

      Totally – I haven’t tried it but I don’t see why not. As long as you have a nice, rich eggnog to start with you should be good to go!

  48. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (60)Kenneth says

    I used 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 3/4 cup white sugar….and sprinkled nutmeg as well. DI-VINE!!!! Carmel-y and egg nog-y. Yum!!

  49. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (61)Jill Roberts @ WellnessGeeky says

    I finally got to make this Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles this past weekend and it was such a hit!! These are so Instagrammable and adorable! Thx for sharing recipe, i definitely add it to my cookbook!

  50. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (62)Bella Hardy says

    Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (63)
    I had a similar eggnog syrup for pancakes or waffles at a restaurant recently and found myself craving it and wondering if I could recreate it today.

  51. Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (64)Elizabeth says

    Can I freeze the eggnog syrup?


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  11. […] Syrup – yep, you read right. Accompany those eggnog pancakes with eggnog syrup – like this! […]

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  16. […] warm maple syrup too. Even better, make some homemade eggnog syrup and use that to top your eggnog French toast! […]

Is Good? {Recipe: Eggnog Syrup for Pancakes or Waffles} (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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