hallicrafters SX receivers (2024)

hallicrafters SX receivers (1)

SX - Receivers

The first "SX" series radio, the SX-4, was built in 1934 as an option to the S-4 "Super Skyrider" . The difference between the two was the addition of the crystal filter in the "SX" prefix. The "SX" prefix from that point on meant that the radio had switchable selectivity position(s).

SX-9 Super Skyrider. 5 bands .54-41MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 9 tubes. First metal tube and first iron core IF receiver. Production year 1935-36.
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SX-10 Ultra Skyrider. 4 bands 5.5-79MHz. IF 1600kHz. Crystal filter. 10 tubes. Less than 200 made. Production year 1936.qa

SX-11 Super Skyrider. 5 bands .535-40MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 11 tubes. Magic eye tuning indicator. First Super Skyrider with separate speaker. Production year 1936-37.
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SX-12 Skyrider Commercial. 5 bands 0.1-11.5MHz. IF 1600kHz. Crystal filter. 11 tubes. Production year 1936.qa

SX-15 Sky Challenger. 5 bands .535-38MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 9 tubes. Production year 1937.
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SX-16 Super Skyrider. 6 bands .55-60MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 11 tubes. Production year 1937-38.
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SX-17 Super Skyrider. 6 bands .54-62MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 13 tubes. Same as SX-16 except noise limiter switch on front panel plus two RF amp. stages. Production year 1938-39.
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SX-18 Sky Challenger ll. 5 bands .54-38MHz. IF 465kHz. Crystal filter. 9 tubes. Production year 1938.
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SX-23 Skyrider 23. 4 bands .54-34MHz. 4 ham bands 80, 40, 20, 10 mtrs. IF 455kHz. Crystal filter. 11 tubes. Production year 1939.
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SX-24 Skyrider Defiant. 4 bands .54-43MHz. IF 455kHz. 9 tubes. Bandspread on the 10, 20, 40, and 80 Meter Amateur Frequencys. A.N.L., Xtal Filter and Variable selectivity. S Meter. Tubes: 6SK7-RF Amp, 6K8-1st Det-Mixer, H.F. Osc., 6SK7-1si I.F. Amp, 6SK7-2nd I.F. Amp, 6SQ7-2nd Det., A.V.C., 1st Audio Amp., 6F6-A.N.L., 76-B.F.O., and 80 Rectifier. Radio controls: Main Tuning, Bandspread Tuning, Xtal Phasing Control, R.F. Gain, Band Selector, Selectivity Control, Tone Switch, A.N.L. Switch, B.F.O. Switch, Recieve/Standby Switch. Has 'S' meter, and Headphone jack. Rear has a speaker output for 600 Ohms. Production year 1939-43.
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SX-25 Super Defiant. 4 bands .54-42MHz. IF 455kHz. 12 tubes. Production year 1940-46.
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SX-28 Super Skyrider. 6 bands, .54-43kHz. IF 455kHz. Crystal filter. 15 tubes. Over 50.000 built.
The new 1941 SUPER SKYRIDER. A few fundamentals of the new Super Skyrider are 6 bands covering 540kc to 43 mc - 2 stages of preselection - high fidelity, push-pull audio - band pass audio filter - a new and highly efficient crystal filter circuit - an additional and completely effective noise limiter - cadmium plated steel chassis - standard relay rack panel 1/8 inch thick - machine tool, gray wrinkle, well ventilated steel cabinet. Hallicrafters-Jensen Bass Reflex speakers available. Sells, complete with crystal and 14 tubes, less only speaker, for $159.50 net." The SX-28 is arguably Hallicrafters' finest pre-war set. It is a very well designed and engineeredsingle conversion Broadcast and HF receiver. It uses push-pull 6V6 audio output tubes and isknown for excellent sound on AM broadcast. It was often advertised with a large matchingHallicrafters-logo floor-model Jensen speaker. Many saw service during the War. The SX-28 andits sister VHF models, the S-27 and S-36 are often pictured as rack-mounted in British governmentlistening posts for monitoring German radar and communications. The FBI also used these during theWar to monitor the airwaves for clandestine communications. After the War, these were used by theFCC to monitor domestic radio transmitters. A Radio News 1946 picture shows one installed in anautomobile equipped for monitoring by the FCC. Production year 1940-43.
SX-28 frontpanel variations
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Same as SX-28 except added permeability tuned, higher Q inductors in the front end. The inductors and trimmers for each band were mounted on small, individual chassises for easy removal. Production year 1944-46.
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SX-32 Skyrider 32. 6 bands .54-40MHz. IF 455kHz. Crystal filter. 13 tubes. Production year 1941-43.
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SX-42. General Coverage Receiver. SX-42 was the top-of-the-line Hallicrafters receiver in the mid-1940s. Has 15 tubes and a super heterodyne circuit that is respected even today. Frequency Range 540 kHz through 110 MHz in six bands, and receives AM and CW signals in every band. Can also receive FM signals from 27 MHz through 110 MHz, and reproduces broadcast FM with excellent fidelity. The BFO pitch is adjustable, making it possible to listen to sideband signals. IF 10.7MHz (FM), 455kHz (AM). 15 tubes. Weighs 65 pounds. Production year 1946-48.
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SX-43 General Coverage Receiver. 6 AM bands .54-55MHz, 2 FM bands .44-55MHz, 88-108MHz. Crystal filter. 11 tubes. Production year 1947-50.
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SX-62 General Coverage Receiver. SX-62 provides continuous coverage with 6 bands from 550 kHz through 109 mHz. FM reception is provided from 27 mHz to 109 mHz; AM and CW reception is provided on all frequencies. Among the nice features of the SX-62 are a wide range of selectivity (from both tuned circuits and a crystal filter), 500 kHz frequency marker (crystal oscillator), noise limiter, and velvet smooth tuning. IF 455kHz. 16 tubes. Production year 1948-50.
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SX-62A General Coverage Receiver. Listed in Fred Osterman's "Receivers Past and Present" (3rd edition, see page 169) as "scarce." Frequency coverage is from the standard AM band to 109 MHz. Six positions selectivity switch, 10 watts audio out, AM, CW, and FM. Outstanding audio fidelity. Two toned gray metal cabinet. 16 tubes. Production year 1955-63.
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SX-71 White Dial Plate, General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. IF 2075, 455kHz. Crystal filter. 13 tubes. Specifications: Coverage 538-35,000 kHz., 46-56 MHz. Selectivity 3 position. Sensitivity < 1 uv. Audio 3 Watt 3.2 and 500 ohm. Modes AM/CW/NBFM. Production year 1949-55. qa

SX-71 Black Dial Plate, General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. IF 2075, 455kHz. Crystal filter. 13 tubes. Production year 1949-55.
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SX-73 General Coverage Rack-Mount Receiver, Double Conversion. 6 bands .54-54MHz. Tunable HFO 7-54MHz, single convertsion .54-7MHz. IF 6000, 455kHz. Crystal filter. 20 tubes. Military version R274/FRR, similar to SP600. Turret coil selector. Production year 1952-53.qa

SX-88 General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion. 6 bands .535-33MHz. IF 2075kHz and 50kHz except bands 2 1550, 50kHz. 50kHz LC filter. 20 tubes. Production year 1954.
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SX-93 Receiver. 4 bands .17-.4MHz, .54-18MHz. IF 455kHz. 6 tubes. Production year 1954-55. qa

SX-96 General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. 4 bands .538-34MHz. IF 1650kHz, 50kHz. 50kHz LC filter. 12 tubes. Production year 1954-56.qa

SX-96A General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion. Production year 1955-56. Source: Curtesy of owner Mike Manning.
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SX-99 Hallicrafters SX-99 Communications Receiver, a 8 tube General coverage receiver, operating from 538 kc to 34 mc. IF 455kHz. Featuring band spread tuning in the Amateur bands, including 11 meters. Tube Line-up: 8 tubes with 6SG7 - ............ R.F. AMP 6SA7 - CONVERTER, 6SG7 - 1 st I.F. AMP, 6SK7 - 2 nd I.F. AMP, 6SC7 - B.F.O. & AUDIO AMP, 6K6GT - AUDIO AMP, 6H6 - Detector, A.N.L., A.V.C, 5Y3GT - Voltage Rectifier. Frequency Range: 4 bands 1 .538 to 1.6 mc, 2 1.55 to 4.6 mc, 3 4.60 to 13.0 mc, 4 12.0 to 34.0 mc. Band Spread tuning on 80,40,20,15 10, &11 meters. Dimensions - 18 3/4" w, 10 3/4"d, 9" h, Weight - 28 lbs, 4 oz. Front Panel Controls: Main Tuning dial, Band Spread dial, Sensitivity Control, Band Selector Control, Selectivity Control, Reception AM / CW Switch, Xtal Phasing Control, Noise Limiter Switch, Volume Control, Pitch Control, AC on/off, Tone control L,M,H, Antenna Trimmer Knob, Receive /Standby Switch, S-Meter. Collectors Notes: The SX-99 Was produced with aluminium & some with plastic dials. Also the SX-99 MK1 came with back lighted Plastic dials or top lighted aluminium ones. The plastic models were the most common. Editor: The SX-99 can be found fairly easily for around $100-$150. Production Date 1955 - 59 Cost $159.95.
See also link 1 and 2
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SX-100 General Coverage Receiver, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. 4 bands .54-34MHz, IF 1650kHz and 50kHz. 14 tubes. Production year 1955-61.
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SX-101 Amateur Band Receiver, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. IF 1650kHz and 50kHz. 7 ham bands 160-10 meters. 50.5kHz LC filter. 15 tubes. Production year 1956-58.qa

SX-101MKll Improved stability over SX-101. Other differences not known. qa

SX-101MKlll Oscillator filament always on. Production year 1058. qa

SX-101MKlllA Amateur Band Receiver, Double Conversion. IF 1650kHz and 50kHz. 50.5kHz LC filter. 7 bands covers 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 plus 30.5-34.5MHz converter band. 40:1 gear driven VFO, 100KHz xtal marker, 5 step selectivity crystal filer from 500 Hz to 5000 Hz. Noise limiter, one uV sensitivity or better, Front panel controls: Main tuning, pointer preset, antenna trimmer, tee-notch frequency, tee-notch depth, sensitivity, band selector, volume, selectiviey, BFO response (USB/LSB/CW) , AVC on/off, AVC fast/slow, ANL, Cal, Receive/standby switch. 15 tubes. 20"W x 10 1/2" H x 16"D, 74lbs. Production year 1959.
See also link 1
Credit - Steve Murphy, K8VO
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SX-101A Amateur Band Receiver, Double Conversion tunable HFO. IF 1650kHz and 50.75kHz. 50.75kHz LC filter. Covers 80-10 meters and 30.5-34.54MHz converter band. 40:1 gear driven VFO, 100KHz xtal marker, 5 step selectivity crystal filer from 500 Hz to 5000 Hz. Noise limiter, one uV sensitivity or better, Front panel controls: Main tuning, pointer preset, antenna trimmer, tee-notch frequency, tee-notch depth, sensitivity, band selector, volume, selectivity, BFO response (USB/LSB/CW) , AVC on/off, AVC fast/slow, ANL, Cal, Receive/standby switch. 15 tubes. Changes from SX-101: new product detector, 2 pos. AVC, full 10 meter bandspread, band to band equalization. 20"W x 10 1/2" H x 16"D, 74lbs. Production year 1959-62.
See also link 1
Credit - Steve Murphy, K8VOqa

MkIIIA was the last of the 101 series of receivers. The primary difference between the MkIIIA and it's predecessors is the elimination of the 120M band and the addition of a "converter" band to be used with optional 2 and 6 meter adaptors. Production year 1957-58.

SX-104 Receiver. It covers from 30 to 50 mhz AM and has 8 tubes plus selenium rectifier. It was built between the years 1957 to 1958. It has built in speaker, selectable crystal position on the front panel.
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SX-105 Receiver. Same as SX-104 but with frequency range 152-174MHz, and different tubes as RF-amplifier and oscillator/mixer. Production year 1957-58.qa

SX-110 Receiver. General coverage 540KHz-34MHz in 4 bands. IF 455kHz. Slide rule bandspread dial calibrated for 80, 40, 20, 15, 11, and 10 meter bands. Crystal filter, antenna trimmer, S meter. Has one RF stage and 2 IF stages. 18 3/4"W x 8" H x 10 1/4" D, 32lbs. SX-108 same as above without S meter, antenna trimmer and crystal filter. 8 tubes. Production year 1959-62.
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SX-111 Amateur Bands Only, Double Conversion, tunable HFO. 6 bands + WWV. IF 1650kHz and 50.75kHz, 50.75LC filter. 12 tubes. Later model has 13 tubes for crystal calibrator. Production year 1960-61. Specs
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SX-111MK1 Amateur Bands Only, Double Conversion, tunable HFO, Product detector. 6 bands + WWV. IF 1650kHz and 50.75kHz, 50.75LC filter. 14 tubes. Production year 1961-62. qa

SX-115 Amateur Bands Only Receiver, Yunable IF, Triple Conversion. Frequency coverage - Nine 500 KHz segments covering 3.5-4.0 MHz, 7.0-7.5 MHz, 14.0-14.5 MHz, 21-21.5 MHz, 28-30 MHz (4 segments) and WWV. Crystal controlled first and third oscillators. IF 6005-6505kHz, 1005kHz, 50.75kHz. 50.75 LC filter. Selectivity variable in 5 steps from 500Hz to 5000Hz, product detector for SSB/CW and envelope detector for AM. IF noise limiter. Gear driven VFO. 1uV sensitivity on AM, 1/2uV on CW/SSB. Front panel controls: R.F. gain, A.F. gain, tuning, selectivity, function (USB/LSB/AM/Power), cal set and lock, receive/standby switch, AVC/ANL, antenna trimmer, band switch, calibrator on/off, headphone jack. 18 tubes. 16"W x 10 1/2" H x 16"D, 47lbs. Production year 1961-64.
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SX-116 SSB "strip" receiver 2-30MHz in four bands. 20 tubes, built for the Air Force. Production year 1961.qa

SX-117 General coverage tunable IF, triple conversion receiver with 9 bands 3-30MHz in 500kHz bands. IF 6000-6500kHz, 1650kHz, 50.75kHz. 50.75kHz LC filter. 13 tubes. Coverage from .085-3MHz provided with optional HA-10 tuner. Production year 1962-66.
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SX-122 General coverage double conversion receiver 4 bands .538-34MHz, electrical bandspread. IF 1650kHz & 50kHz. 50kHz LC filter. 11 tubes. 13 1/2" W x 5 7/8" H x 8 3/4" D, 11 3/4 lbs. Production year 1964-66.
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SX-130 General Coverage Receiver, Single Conversion. Same as S-129 with addition of "S" meter and chrystal filter. Production year 1965-68.
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SX-133 Receiver. 4 bands .535-31.5MHz. Crystal filter. 7 tubes. Bandspread calibrated for 80-10 meters plus 49, 31, 25, 19 meter SW BC bands. Production year 1967-73.
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SX-140 Amateur Bands Only, Single Conversion Receiver. 6 bands 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6 Meter bands. IF 1650kHz. Controls: Tuning, Antenna trimmer, Cal reset, Function (AC off, tune, standby, AM, CW), band selector, Cal on/off, Sensitivity/BFO, Audio gain, Phone jack, S meter adjust. 5 tubes. SX-140K is kit version. Production year 1960-63.
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SX-146 Single conversion, pre-mixer. 10 bands each 500kHz covering 2 - 30MHz. IF 9000kHz. Xtal lattic filter. 9 tubes. Production year 1966-68. qa

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---- updated March 31st 2001 ---
hallicrafters SX receivers (2024)


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